Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Yo'u' & "i"

All of us, play, two lead roles in the time-frame allotted to us from our birth to death, in this so called, chakra of life, to do the, what they call, Karma.
In this expedition of life to death, the two roles we play are radically contradictory to each other. Always pushing and pulling each other, the two often end up in a Circumstance of loss-of-moral-anarchy, just to realize that they are in a Ball game, where no one wins.

One is the ‘ i’ntentional, ‘i’nevitable, ‘i’ntrospective ‘I’
and the other is the
‘u’ndoubtedly ‘u’nrealistic & ‘u’nresolved, yo‘u’

‘I’ have a piece of everything, good bad and ugly –
‘I’nspiration, ‘I’rritation, ‘I’nnoncence, ‘I’nsane.
‘I’ can satisfy your need, ‘I’ could satiate your greed,
What to take, is your choice,
But, why are yo‘u’, always so,
‘u’nruly, ‘u’nacceptable and ‘u’nsatisfied?

‘I’, knows the answer, provided only YO‘U’ ask the question!!!

Think about it............