Thursday, January 04, 2007

Mystifying Melancholy

There’s a loneliness, deep inside me, deep inside you, deep inside all of us, not so predominant but yet prevails in an unknown corner of the hollowness of our soul, and keeps surfacing in the most indeterminate of times. That is the moment when we start thinking, thinking of something unknown, something which doesn't have a beginning nor an end, thoughts dangling from an unknown above.

It's a moment when we transform into a momentary state of sanity and then come out of it with a quest which never ends, a quest to unfold the reasons hidden behind the veil of our unfathomable loneliness.


Blogger Unknown said...

I believe the source for loneliness is our limitation in conveying our thoughts and feelings, its the shortcomings in the way we communicate with the people in our lives. There are many ways to communicate our thoughts and feelings, including words (written and spoken), music, painting or any other form of art. But when all these known means of communication are not sufficient to convey that one thought/feeling that we desperately want to share with others, we feel lonely. But the experience of being lonely is very very personal and very essential too.
Loneliness in contrast to the usual belief is very essential for our spiritual growth. Its only after experiencing loneliness that we realize the limitations of our abilities. It provides us with a reality check that no matter how famous or successful we are, or how much we are admired or envied, there is still some part of us that is yearning for attention. This in some way teaches us to empathize and to be humble.

8/8/09 11:51 PM  

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