Monday, September 11, 2006


Image - Sunset cove by digital blasphemy

All that you do is not All that you always wanted to and All that you get is not All that you’ve always desired for and that makes Life Uncertain and Living Interesting..!

Still we tend to be Happy at some moments and Sad in other, sometimes Angry and some other times Ignorant over the same thing!. May be we have gone wrong in defining the meaning of our Feelings or may be we have never given it a thought. But then how are we going to define "meaning" in itself.

It’s so damn confusing, when we start to think we start seeing the Differences. The Cause for these differences lies in a corner of our mind which we have never explored but we always keep looking for reasons in the possibilities which doesn’t exist.

Things are the way they are not because there’s a Flaw in their creation or in the way they exist or in the way they occur, it’s because there’s a fallacy in our Point of view, it’s because things are just the way they are supposed to be, Natural...


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